Teacher Poll: What is your favorite and least favorite holiday gift you have received?
Mrs. Arias
Best: “I would say handmade presents by my kids like decorations or sometimes cards where they write ‘Thank you mommy for all you do’. I like things that they do themselves.”
Worst: “Chocolates because I am not a sweets person. And my family knows I don’t like chocolate that much and they still give it to me.”
Mr. Klinger
Best: Underwear.
Worst: Socks because I already have so many. I don’t need anymore.
Mr. Sanchez
Best: I would definitely say the all inclusive cruise that my in-laws gave me to go on with my wife.
Worst: Starbucks gift cards. They are so overdone and I don't use them.
Mrs. Rivas
Best: Anything having to do with the San Francisco Giants. One time I got a handmade cup made from a bat, where they had carved out the middle to make it usable.
Worst: Any gift cards from places where I don't shop or eat.