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School News

Nishika Manjeshwar, Mahlani Tanap

SCV Open Mic Night Event 

On Saturday, October 19th, clubs and students across the Santa Clarita Valley gathered to host an open mic night event. Participants shared pieces of writing, songs, research projects, and more. The event also featured a bake sale coordinated by the Valencia Latino Student Union, Help4Refugees, and AALLY club. All proceeds from the event were donated to organizations that provide humanitarian assistance to Gaza. 

The guiding theme of the event was the question “Do you want to build power or critique power?”, which was originally posed by Canadian social activist Janaya Future Khan. All participants were asked to answer this question through their presentations, which included original songs from musician Cal Buckley, a speech on how baseball is power, and an exploration of the United States’ flawed immigration system. 

Andrea Manzala, one of the lead organizers of the event, explained that the event was planned with the intention of creating a safe space for innovative and creative minds to express themselves. They mentioned how teens often feel silenced under the constant supervision of adults, which led them to want to create a space where teens could be unapologetically themselves. 

There will be more open mic night events in the future, so stay tuned! 

Santa Clarita Trunk or Treats and a Day Off

Halloween is right around the corner, but here are the fun activities happened as we waited for the holiday to come:

Saint Kateri Catholic Church: On October 19, Saint Kateri Catholic Church hosted a fun and spooky time with  games, food trucks, and games with prizes! Not to mention that this event was put together and hosted by Cub Scouts Pack 40.

First Presbyterian Church of Newhall: Also happened on October 19th, everyone was invited and last year, they had almost 1000 people in attendance. There was amazing food, games, and music, costumes were highly encouraged as well. 

United Methodist Church: On October 27, the United Methodist Church hosted a Trunk or Treat. There was candy, food, and fun activities to do. The United Methodist Church hosted such a spooktacular night.

While all of this is exciting, there is even more good news! There will be no school on November 1st, the day after Halloween. This means that you can stay up and have fun without having to worry about school the next morning. And you have a 3-day weekend! Make sure to stay safe and have fun during this spooky season.


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