Poll: Should We Have a Four or Five Day School Week
Kapish Podar (Junior):
“Four or five? I would say four, so that way we don’t have a weird random day in the middle like all-period days. We’d have 2 block, 2 each, it's all fair and the same amount of classes.”
Madeline Spencer (Junior):
“That’s a good question. I think it depends, we would probably have to have a lot longer of a school year which means the summer would be shorter, which I'm not really in support of. But I think if there was a way to keep the summer long and take away the school hours, I’d say yes. ”
Jordan Xiong (Sophomore):
“Four days because we should be able to have more free time on the weekends.”
April Oh (Sophomore):
“Four days because I’m tired.”
William Seo( Freshman):
“I think a four day school week would be better for the students.”
Steven Irons (Freshman):
“I think we should have a four day school week because we might have more attention if you have a longer weekend to refocus yourself.”