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Nishika Manjeshwar, Lila Onori, and Jaden Nakamura

Club Spotlight

Medventures Club (Nishika)

Photo Credits: Nika Moosavi

The Valencia MedVentures Club focuses on spreading awareness about the different professions in the medical field. Their goal is to help students who are interested in the medical field, but unsure of what field they want to go into, learn about the different jobs medicine has to offer. 

This club works towards its goal by inviting guest speakers from a variety of different professions to speak with students about their work and journey through the medical field. Some of their previous guest speakers include a neurologist, pediatrician, and nurse manager. Through their work, the MedVentures team is helping to make the medical field more accessible and understandable to Valencia Students. Meetings are held monthly in the MSA Room, and you can find them on Instagram @medventuresvhs. 

AALLY (Nishika)

Photo Credits: Andrea Manzala

AALLY, which stands for AAPI Allies: Listen, Yell, Learn, is the AAPI student union at Valencia High School. The club provides resources to AAPI communities in need, and works to support and uplift the AAPI community at VHS. In order to raise awareness about important issues and facilitate discussion, AALLY organizes and hosts open mic nights at Global Prep Academy each semester. Past topics of discussion at these events have included intersectionality and environmental justice. You can attend the club’s next open mic night this October. 

The money raised at these club events goes towards the Center for the Pacific Asian Family, an organization in Los Angeles that works to support victims of domestic violence and break down barriers in the AAPI community. The club also organizes drives and fundraisers for victims of natural disasters, including their supplies drive for earthquake victims in Turkey, and their fundraiser for victims of the Maui Fires. AALLY meetings are held every other Thursday in room 826, and you can find them on Instagram @aallyco. 

Viking VIPs (Lila)

Photo Credits: Bryce Yalung

The Viking VIPs, formerly known as Circle of Friends, collaborates with our special education program to hold events. Typically holiday themed, these fun, inclusive events occur about once a month and provide a great opportunity to connect with some amazing students. This club provides a great stage to make new friends, enjoy fun meetings with those friends, and come back the next month to do it all over again. However, this incredible club wouldn’t be complete without its dedicated leadership team of president Sadie VanGerpen, vice president Mia Kwock, treasurer Alani Almonte, and their five other executive officers.

  Previous parties hosted by the Viking VIPs have been Thanksgiving, Valentine's, Winter, and Summer themed, and there are so many more to come! In these events, they usually have fun crafts or games, as well as pizza and other snacks that you can enjoy with newly made friends. To be a part of this club as it continues to grow, students can find more information on their Instagram @vip.vikings.


Mock Trial(Jaden)

Photo Credits: Natalia Stoa

Mock Trial is a club that helps prepare students for future careers in law and public speaking. In its twice-weekly meetings, held Tuesdays during 0-period and Thursdays during 7th period in room 931, they study and prepare a mock court case. This allows students to gain real-life experience in the roles of attorneys, witnesses, and other legal professions, even providing them the opportunity to compete in a real court room at the LA courthouse. They are judged by real lawyers and get to play out the scenarios as if they occurred in real court cases. With such great versatility in roles, it is an especially great experience for anyone interested in the fields of law, performing arts, and public speaking, while still being a fun activity for everyone involved.

This past year, Valencia’s mock trial received several awards, including the Alan Rothenberg Award received by then-senior, Bethel Olashege, and several honorable mentions for their other roles. In Mock Trial, there is a place for everyone, and it is a great way to compete,win awards, and gain life experience! For more information, attend one of the meetings, or check out their Instagram @valenciamocktrial.


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